Dealing with Failure when you feel that you have been hard-done
In my conversations with several people — folks that I know in my professional circle, friends or just newbies in the corporate world and of course, from personal experiences; I wanted to share what’s worked for me during times when I felt that things were unfair. The reasons why you feel that way could vary from just having a bad boss, to not having a cooperative team, the management misfiring on the company’s direction or could just be personal issues at home which might affect your work.
During times like those, below are the 5 things that I recommend doing to make peace with what’s going on and not lose vision on your long-term goal-
- You can’t create a positive change from a negative mindset. Do something that makes you happy to get out of the rut that you might be in.
- Control the controllable and although it might seem difficult, get away from the bad energy. He/she who doesn’t have your best interests at heart will never help you grow.
- Do not see yourself as a victim, but channelize that energy into achieving something special and to realize your dreams.
- It is in times of adversity you realize who your true well-wishers are — The good ones will be out there to help you, guide you; while for the others; as I mentioned earlier, Ignore them. They don’t matter. At least, you know who’s who.
- It is important that you speak about it with someone you trust to hear a neutral perspective. The valuable lessons are right there in the pudding — do not miss out on those. There is always something that you could do differently or better and improve yourself.
The fear of failure and the feeling of accomplishment that comes out of success trigger certain reactions in our brain and it helps contribute to the overall learning process. The goals you have require a certain sacrifice and effort.
The moment you are okay putting in the effort, you are on the right track to achieving something good. The eventual reach to the destination makes the entire journey gratifying.